Why Is It Still OK To ‘Trash’ Poor White People?

Why Is It Still OK To ‘Trash’ Poor White People?

Calling people “white trash” is demeaning to them and is an example of a microinvalidation (micro indicating that it happens between individuals or at the micro-level, not that it is a small aggression). This comment invalidates their lived experience by minimizing the value of it. Often, when the person making the comment has this brought to their attention, they say “it’s funny” or “it’s just a joke…” further dismissing the emotions of the target of the offensive comment. This specific comment isn’t just demeaning to the white people targeted, but also to people of color as explained in the article. Classism and racism often intersect, and this is one more painful and perhaps, surprising, example.

Journal Prompts

What image comes to mind when you hear the term, “white trash?” How could those first thoughts be impacting workplace decisions, such as hiring or promotions? Was there anything that stood out to you in this article, that perhaps gave you a new perspective, or made you consider your core beliefs? How can those realizations be applied to enact change in your workplace?

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