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[Anti-]Racism at Sunset; Happiness as Horizon

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TEDx Talk by Kyle Chong, Doctoral Student of Curriculum, Instruction & Teacher Education at Michigan State University College of Education. In his talk, [Anti-]Racism at Sunset; Happiness as Horizon, Chong delineates the difference between an orientation and a destination. As a self-proclaimed pessimist in a hopeful profession, he shares some specific ways to use an anti-racism orientation to get to the destination of our students’ joy.

Journal Prompts

  • Kyle Chong is a pessimist in a hopeful profession, due in part to his experience being adopted from Taiwan. How has your childhood affected the way you teach/the kind of teacher you are? Are you hopeful for your students? Is their joy your destination and do you see anti-racism as a tool for realizing that joy?