Ageism Is Forcing Older Workers Out of The Job Market

The Forbes article “Ageism Is Forcing Older Workers Out Of The Job Market” by Jack Kelly is aligned with US2 core principle number 5: Every Issue Counts. In this work, Kelly highlights the issue of age discrimination in the workplace and its negative impact on older workers. He explains that older workers are often pushed out of their jobs due to ageist attitudes and stereotypes, which lead to a lack of job opportunities, limited career advancement, and unfair treatment. He provides several examples of ageism in the workplace, such as job postings that require certain age ranges or job titles that suggest a preference for younger workers. Kelly also discusses the negative impact of ageism on older workers’ mental and physical health, as well as the economy as a whole. He emphasizes the need for employers to

recognize the value and experience of older workers and create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. In order to do this, he suggests strategies such as age-blind recruiting, flexible work arrangements, and training programs that support older workers’ career development. Kelly highlights the urgency of addressing ageism in the workplace and promoting age diversity and inclusion. He encourages employers and society as a whole to recognize and appreciate the contributions of older workers and create a more equitable and supportive work environment. Kelly also highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing ageism as a significant public health issue, and encourages individuals and society as a whole to take action to combat ageism and promote age diversity and inclusion.

Read more here.

Journal Prompts

  • In the article Ageism is Forcing Older Workers Out of the Job Market Jack Kelly contends that ageism is not only unfair to older workers, but also harmful to the economy as a whole. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
  • Jack Kelly presents several strategies to combat ageism in the workplace. Among the strategies that he presents, age-blind recruiting and flexible work arrangements are proposed as potential solutions. Do you think these strategies are effective? What are some other strategies that you could implement in order to promote age diversity and inclusion within the workplace?
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