All Resource Websites

  • The GiST: The Girls in STEM Toolkit
    This rich website offers tools for girls, their families, and educators to help them follow their dreams into STEM careers. It aims to build girls’ confidence around STEM subjects and showcase programs, activities, and role models of girls and women in successful STEM careers. It invites girls into STEM in this way: STEM is practical, challenging, and fun to study; plus it gives you the skills you will need to solve real-world problems in the jobs of the future.
    The GiST is sponsored by the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Resources, and managed by Education Services Australia. Be sure to check out every tab and don’t miss the list of podcasts!
  • Global G.L.O.W. is a nonprofit organization that creates and operates innovative programs to mentor girls to advocate for themselves and make their communities stronger. They provide clubs and active mentoring in 23 countries and across the United States. There are activities to download, blogs to read, and links to partner organizations who are advocating for girls around the world. To keep learning about this vibrant organization, subscribe to their newsletter.
  • The Everyday Sexism Project
    With the progress made in women’s equality, sometimes folks have the false impression that sexism is a thing of the past. To refute this misunderstanding, Laura Bates created the UK website, The Everyday Sexism Project, where anyone can submit instances of sexism experienced on a day-to-day basis. The stories shared range from serious to minor, from sexual harassment to sexist comments. In addition, resources for support are provided.
  • All Call to Men
    The patriarchy isn’t working for anyone because it harms everyone. All Call to Men is an organization that works to transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood. Their work is grounded in their seven (7) core principles, which include centering marginalized voices and addressing intersectional oppression. Through trainings and educational resources for a variety of organizations, they utilize a social ecological model and actively promote gender equity. Start with the About tab to really get to know this committed and motivating organization and explore the educational materials, book lists, and videos to start employing their work for the boys and men in your life and classroom.

Journal Prompts

  • Whether you are a STEM educator or not, how do you envision using the vast resources of The GiST website? Is there a podcast or video are you most excited about? What lesson(s) might you utilize first? What student(s) or groups of students will you initially share this exciting resource with?
  • What type of clubs and mentoring are available to your female students that promote their voice? Would your girl students benefit from a GLOW Club?
  • While predominately stories of sexism center on girls and women, there are instances of sexism and sexual harassment against boys and men shared on The Everyday Sexism Project site. What forum do your students have to report their experiences with sexism/sexual harassment? Are they believed? Do both girls and boys report their experiences? Are the situations handled so the harm is repaired? What could be done better to diminish the everyday acts that harm your students and make it harder to comfortably learn?
  • We must help our boys learn how to be the respectful, compassionate people. After reading the seven (7) core principles on this website, which one of them do you think you might employ first in your life? In your classroom? Who would you most like to share this website with?
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