Ashton Applewhite: Let’s end ageism

Ashton Applewhite: Let’s end ageism | TED Talk

In her TED Talk, Let’s End Ageism, Ashton Applewhite discusses the ways in which ageism, or discrimination based on age, affects all of us. She continues to say that ageism is both pervasive and insidious, and that it harms individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Applewhite explores the roots of ageism and the ways in which it is perpetuated through stereotypes, language, and media representation. She also offers suggestions for how we can combat ageism, such as by valuing older people’s contributions and fighting age-based discrimination in the workplace. Ultimately, Applewhite argues that ending ageism is not only a moral imperative, but also a practical one, as we all have a stake in creating a more just and equitable society.

Journal Prompts

  • In the TED Talk, Let’s End Ageism, Applewhite argues that ageism is “prejudice against our future selves.” What do you think she means by this? How does this quote help to support her argument about the need to dismantle ageism in society?
  • During Applewhite’s discussion, she shows a Proportion of Population Map of the world for individuals aged 60 and older to illustrate her point that within 35 years, older generations will be heavily populated globally. This image helps to support her call to action that collective advocacy is needed in order to combat ageism in society. What is one small change that you would champion for in an effort to dismantle ageism in your workplace or community?
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