Schools & Social Inequality: Crash Course Sociology #41

Schools & Social Inequality: Crash Course Sociology #41

Crash Course host Sabrina Cruz uses social conflict theory to examine social inequities in the American education system. Looking through a lens of classism will inevitably lead to seeing overlap, or intersectionality, with other types of marginalization, the most predominant being racism. This video starts by taking a look at inequities in school funding and cultural capital, both tied to classism. After 5 minutes 30 seconds, the discussion turns to the systemic disadvantages for students from marginalized identities, specifically students of color.

Journal Prompt:

How is your school district funded? What kind of cultural capital do your students have? How do the opportunities of students who belong to traditionally marginalized groups have compared to those of the traditional majority? Compare your district to one close by that has different answers to these questions. Which district has the “more successful” students? How is this perceived and talked about in your area?

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