Success: Accountability & Sustainability


  • Must have successfully completed Courage, Acceptance, Respect, and Empathy.
  • Once registered for the course, and completing the prerequisite modules, a code will be sent to complete the IDI Assessment. This Assessment needs to be completed before attending the synchronous portion of Success.

By participating in the Success Module within the CARES® Certification, attendees will:

  • Understand the critical nature of continuous improvement that is sustainable.
  • Build a plan of accountability (including all stakeholders, if complete as an entity).

Empathy: Inclusive Training & Curriculum

By participating in the Empathy Module within the CARES® Certification, attendees will:

  • Analyze the impact of seeing themselves included in the environment.
  • Learn about and be exposed to the idea of seeing others in the environment.
  • Understand the role of personal development within an inclusive environment.

Respect: Restorative Relationships

By participating in the Respect Module within the CARES® Certification, attendees will:

  1. Analyze how relationships are impacted by personal experiences
  2. Understand Core Competencies of Social and Emotional interactions
  3. Incorporate restorative practices into multiple levels of relationships

Acceptance: Diversity & Equity

By participating in the Acceptance Module within the CARES® Certification, attendees will:

  • Reflect upon personal experiences to better understand the origin of personally held first-thoughts.
  • Dissect the difference between core beliefs and implicit bias.
  • Expand identity group awareness beyond one’s personal identity.


Courage: Courageous Conversations

By participating in the Courage Module within the CARES® Certification, attendees will:

  • Unpack the impact of our experiences on our current conversations.
  • Recognize and understand motives behind conversations.
  • Learn skills to minimize defensiveness


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